Narrating the Global Countryside

Five years on, 450 hours of 617 interviews and 8 participatory mapping interviews, 2 focus groups, 2 surveys of 1,235 respondents, GPS and GIS Mapping exercises of global continental coverage, the Global-Rural Project comes to an end. Here is a summary of the project’s findings in over 14 countries and 37 case study sites.

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How Milk Went Global

Milk is an unlikely global commodity. It will spoil within hours if not refrigerated or preserved. Yet, today dairy is a global industry with milk and dairy products transported and traded across the world. This is the story of how milk went global.

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Chinese Farmers in Late Colonial Cairns, Queensland, 1880-1920

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, colonial settlement in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand attracted migrants who lived and worked in multi-ethnic societies that resonates with today’s multi-cultural countryside. One such region was Cairns, QLD, Australia.

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Assembling Newtown – Survey Report

In September 2016 Aberystwyth University conducted a rapid face-to-face survey of residents of Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn, in Powys, Wales. These involved indepth discussions of on average 45-60 minutes with 162 residents (supplemented by an additional 72 shorter surveys). The report below provides a summary of some of the findings as they relate to Newtown.  We […]

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The Making and Remaking of a Cane Countryside

Australia’s internal highly regulated quota, single desk sugar industry became unhelpful to the inconstancy of global changes and Nambour is an interesting example of how these restructuring sifted through the Australian system to make and remake a rural cane sugar town.

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Assembling Newtown Exhibition – last few days

Over the last week, members of the public in mid Wales have had the chance to find out more about some of the GLOBAL-RURAL research at a pop-up exhibition reporting back on the in-depth fieldwork on ‘everyday globalization’ that we’ve been carrying out in the market town of Newtown for the past two years. The […]

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