
 Name / TitleBliesgau-Molkerei (English: The Bliesgau Dairy) Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau and surrounding areaTypeBusinessMain activity / focusThe Bliesgau dairy produces organic milk from the Bliesgau region.Target beneficiaries / marketLocal population. Year establishedThe Bliesgau dairy started producing in 2005.Current Funding source(s)The project is financed by funds of the Federal Ministry of  Food Agriculture and […]

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Bliesgau Genuß e.V.

Name / TitleBliesgau Genuß e.V.(English: Bliesgau Consumption Association) Case Study RegionSaarland (DE)Geographical coverage Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau and surrounding areaTypeRegistered Association Main activity / focus The association’s objective is to establish regional marketing as an important and supporting pillar and to raise awareness for regional products. The association serves as a forum to producers, processors, retailers, caterers, conservationists and […]

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Biosphärenzweckverband Bliesgau

Name / TitleBiosphärenzweckverband Bliesgau(English: Biosphere Administrative Body Bliesgau)Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau:six communities of the Saarpfalz district belong to the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau (Gersheim, Mandelbachtal, Blieskastel, St. Ingbert, Kierkel and Homburg (in part)) as well as the community of Kleinblittersdorf of the regional district Saarbrücken.TypeAdministrative body (Zweckverband) Main activity / focus The biosphere administrative […]

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Biosphere Bliesgau Association

Name / TitleBiosphärenverein Bliesgau e. V. (English: Biosphere Bliesgau Association) Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverageBiosphere Reserve Bliesgau:six communities of the Saarpfalz district belong to the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau (Gersheim, Mandelbachtal, Blieskastel, St. Ingbert, Kierkel and Homburg (in part)) as well as the community of Kleinblittersdorf of the regional district Saarbrücken.TypeRegistered Association Main activity / focus The functions of […]

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Landesverband SaarLandFrauen e.V.

 Name / TitleLandesverband SaarLandFrauen e.V. (Saar Women’s’ Association)Case Study RegionSaarlandGeographical coverage Saarland: six regional chapters (Merzig-Wadern, Saarlouis, Saar-Pfalz-Kreis, Neunkirchen, St. Wendel, regional association Saarbrücken)Type Registered association; grassroots development initiative; training scheme Main activity / focus One of the main goals is a stronger promotion of the interests of peasant women and women in rural areas and to offer […]

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Kulturlandschaftsinitiative St. Wendeler Land

 Name / TitleKulturlandschaftsinitiative St. Wendeler LandCase Study RegionSaarlandGeographical coverage Administrative district of St. WendelTypeRegistered charitable association; advice service Main activity / focus The main focus is on preserving and further developing the cultural landscape ‚St. Wendeler Land’, protecting and using natural resources and the cultural heritage. Three spheres of activity have been characterized: awareness raising, local commodity […]

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