Biosphärenzweckverband Bliesgau

Name / Title |
Case Study Region | Saarland (D) |
| Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau:six communities of the Saarpfalz district belong to the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau (Gersheim, Mandelbachtal, Blieskastel, St. Ingbert, Kierkel and Homburg (in part)) as well as the community of Kleinblittersdorf of the regional district Saarbrücken. |
Type | Administrative body (Zweckverband) |
Main activity / focus
| The biosphere administrative body is a biosphere reserve management, responsible for establishment, maintenance and development of the biosphere reserve. With founding the administrative body, they laid down a framework for working hand in hand based on partnership in order to face the region’s specific challenges. The following projects belong to the biosphere reserve:
The biosphere administrative body is involved in environment education:
Field guides are trained in collaboration with Volkshochschule St. Ingbert and the association ‚Geographie ohne Grenzen’ (geography without borders). |
Target beneficiaries / market |
Year established | Founded on 26th September 2006. |
Current Funding source(s) | The biosphere’s administrative body is funded by the Saarland Ministry of Environment and the local authorities. Every operated project is financed through applications to external sponsors. Until the UNESCO designation, the biosphere reserve was funded in line with other projects (LEADER, ILEK). |
| The biosphere administrative body Bliesgau co-operates with Bliesgau Obst e.V., Bliesgau Genuss e.V., with Volkshochschule St. Ingbert and the association ‚Geographie ohne Grenzen’. |
Website | |
| This form of administration is unique in the world. The municipalities of Gersheim, Kirkel, Kleinblittersdorf, Mandelbachtal and the towns of Blieskastel, Homburg and St. Ingbert as well as the Saarpfalz district and Saarland come together to form the biosphere’s administrative body. |
Contact details
| Mr Walter Kemkes |