Dynamo Merzig

Name / TitleDynamo MerzigCase Study RegionSaarland, administrative district of Merzig-WadernGeographical coverage Merzig cityTypeInitiative Main activity / focus ‚Dynamo Merzig’ supports youth late repatriates and young foreigners during familiarization and strengthens togetherness under the motto ‚Sport verbindet‘ (sport connects). During joint sports activities, there is no need of special knowledge of the German language and sports and game […]

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Institute for adult education of Murska Sobota

Name / TitleInstitute for adult education of Murska Sobota (Ljudska univerza Murska Sobota Case Study RegionPomurska case study regionGeographical coverage Area of activity: mostly Pomurska statistical regionTypeGovernment training scheme Main activity / focus Educational programs (for adult population); primary school, secondary school, other educational programs (language courses) for adults, other cultural etc. programs.Topics of activities for our target […]

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Bar “Na Kujkli”

Name / TitleBar “Na Kujkli”, Murska SobotaCase Study RegionPomurska case study regionGeographical coverage Area of activity: Pomurska case study region (situated in Murska Sobota)TypeVoluntary group Main activity / focus Social activity;Topics of activities for our target group – foreign home owners:Cultural exchange between locals and migrantsLanguage support (communication with locals, interaction)Advices, actions to reduce daily problems (health […]

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‘Greenbelt’ (Protection and valorization of the longest habitat system in Europe)

Name / TitleProtection and valorization of the longest habitat system in Europe– “Greenbelt”Case Study RegionPomurskaGeographical coverage International level; EU dimension; national and regional level: Pomurska regionTypeProjectMain activity / focusPreservation and assessment of the habitats along the former ‘iron curtain’ in Europe; the project was initiated by IUCN.Target beneficiaries / marketOverall population of the region; the […]

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Mursko – Dravske kolesarske poti

Name / TitleMursko – Dravske kolesarske poti(English: Mura Drava bike trails)Case Study RegionPomurskaGeographical coverage regional level: Pomurska regionTypeProject Main activity / focus Definition of biking trails along Mura and Drava river with the main goal to establish a biking tourism destination which would be internationally recognized and would promote sustainable tourism as well as sustainable transportation in […]

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Trajnostna raba Natura 2000 habitatov vzdolž slovensko-madžarske meje

Name / TitleTrajnostna raba Natura 2000 habitatov vzdolž slovensko-madžarske meje(English: Sustainable use of Natura 2000 habitats along the Slovenian-Hungarian border)Case Study RegionPomurska Geographical coverage Regional level: Pomurska region, Porabje area in Hungary (National Park Őrség)TypeProject Main activity / focus Defining the model on sustainable use of cultural landscape based on natural, social and economic conditions in the area along […]

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Občina Lendava

Name / TitleObčina Lendava(English: Municipality Lendava)Case Study RegionPomurskaGeographical coverage local and regional level: Pomurska regionTypeLocal governance Main activity / focus Municipality is on a regular basis running the activities linked to its local governance role but is additionally being very active and supporting in developing new projects focused mostly on sustainable tourism development as well as on […]

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Mlinarska pot

Name / TitleMlinarska pot(English: Mill trail) Case Study RegionPomurskaGeographical coverage regional level: Pomurska regionTypeProjectMain activity / focusConnecting natural and cultural heritage along the river Mura in a unique tourism offerTarget beneficiaries / markettourism suppliers, indirectly entire population of PomurskaYear established2008Current Funding source(s)EU funding; local funding (Municipality Beltinci)ParticipantsMunicipality Beltinci with partners (in Slovenia): Tourism and cultural institution […]

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Krajinski park Goričko

Name / TitleKrajinski park Goričko(English: Goričko Nature Park)Case Study RegionPomurskaGeographical coverage regional level: Pomurska region TypeInstitution (management of protected area)Main activity / focuProtecting the natural landscape of the Goričko areaTarget beneficiaries / marketregional environment; indirectly entire population of Pomurska (from the environmental perspective)Year established2003 Current Funding source(s)The initial idea for the establishment of the protected area(landscape park) […]

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