Dynamo Merzig

Name / Title | Dynamo Merzig |
Case Study Region | Saarland, administrative district of Merzig-Wadern |
Geographical coverage | Merzig city |
Type | Initiative |
Main activity / focus
| ‚Dynamo Merzig’ supports youth late repatriates and young foreigners during familiarization and strengthens togetherness under the motto ‚Sport verbindet‘ (sport connects). During joint sports activities, there is no need of special knowledge of the German language and sports and game festivals are organized for foreign and local youths. |
Target beneficiaries / market | Late repatriates, local population with and without migration background. The focus is especially on adolescents (locals and youths with migration background) |
Year established | 2000 |
Current Funding source(s) | The initiative was funded project-related through donations and sponsoring. The organization responsible for construction, Bremische Gesellschaft, funded the construction costs by means of publicly funded housing construction. Furthermore, the initiative received E&C funding (development and perspectives of young people in social hot spots) as well as personal and financial support of Merzig city and of the federal state. |
| Eight associations and institutions have been working on this project in 2002. It was operated as a cooperation with different corporations (organisations responsible and parties concerned), such as sports clubs (Borussia Merzig), social associations (SHG clinics Merzig) or the city administrationand the district youth welfare office Merzig-Wadern. |
Website | There is no website; information under:http://www.dji.de/bibs/110_636_modellverzeichnis.pdf |
| The inititative pursued its objectives (integration and addiction prevention) through organization of different actions, especially in the fields of sports and music. In 2000, the first game and sports festival took place which was frequented by 300 youths from 12 nations. In November 2001, the sports and game festival ‚Im Park geht’s ab‘ took place at the Thielspark-Sporthalle, where Streetball, Volleyball and soccer tournament were offered. This event was frequented by 150 youths. |
Contact details
| Bodo Strauch |