Project “E-Cooperation – Innovative Clusters“

Name / TitleProject “E-Cooperation – Innovative Clusters“Implemented bypublic institution ‘Alytus Business Advisory Centre’Case Study RegionAlytus countyGeographical coverage Baltstogė – Suvalkai subregion and Elk subregion in Poland,  Alytus and Marijampolė regions in Lithuania     TypeProject; advice service; partnership Main activity / focus The main objective of the project – to stimulate cooperation between Lithuanian and Polish enterprises in border regions […]

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Integrationslotse/in (IL0) (Integration Guides)

Name / TitleIntegrationslotse/in (IL0) (Integration Guides)Case Study RegionSaarland, administrative district Merzig-WadernGeographical coverage Administrative district SaarlouisAdministrative district Merzig-WadernTypeAdvice serviceMain activity / focus Counselling migrants, help with familiarisation (assisting with bureaucratic affairs, preparation for language courses, placing of childcare and interpreters…)Target beneficiaries / marketMigrants, initially late repatriates, later all nationalitiesYear established2002 (in administrative district of Saarlouis) and then […]

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Bar “Na Kujkli”

Name / TitleBar “Na Kujkli”, Murska SobotaCase Study RegionPomurska case study regionGeographical coverage Area of activity: Pomurska case study region (situated in Murska Sobota)TypeVoluntary group Main activity / focus Social activity;Topics of activities for our target group – foreign home owners:Cultural exchange between locals and migrantsLanguage support (communication with locals, interaction)Advices, actions to reduce daily problems (health […]

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Energie Agentur Neiße

Name / TitleEnergie Agentur Neiße(Energy Agency Neiße)Case Study RegionDresden region (Direktionsbezirk Dresden), Upper Lusatia and Lower Silesia (Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien) Geographical coverage The Energie Agentur Neiße (Energy Agency Neiße) is located in facilities of the Internationales Begegnungszentrum St. Marienthal (IBZ) (international meeting centre monastery St. Marienthal) in Ostritz-Marienthal, which is in the south of Görlitz directly at the […]

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The Forest Management Institute (FMI)

Name / TitleThe Forest Management Institute (FMI)Case Study RegionJihomoravský kraj (South Moravia Region)Geographical coverage Jihomoravský kraj (South Moravia Region), Branch BrnoTypeGovernment; advice service Main activity / focus To ensure that forest owners understand all the information about how to maximize profits from forest management, while respecting the laws affecting forestry, another activities are consultation, methodological and edification […]

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County Clare Wood Energy Project

Name / TitleCounty Clare Wood Energy ProjectCase Study RegionWest of Ireland RegionGeographical coverage County Clare and West of IrelandTypeProject Main activity / focus The purpose of the County Clare Wood Energy Project is to support the establishment of a commercially viable wood energy sector in the county, based on wood chip from local farm forestry thinnings.  The […]

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RASLRES: Regional Approaches to Stimulating Local Renewable Energy Solutions

Name / TitleRASLRES: Regional Approaches to Stimulating Local Renewable Energy Solutions Case Study RegionWest of IrelandGeographical coverage Roscommon, Mayo and Galway – additionally, Northern Ireland, UK; Scotland; Sweden; Faroe Islands and Finland.TypeAdvice service; project; partnershipMain activity / focus The RASLRES Project aims to design, pilot and publicise the best product services to create and sustain markets for […]

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Wood Energy Strategy for the Western Region

Name / TitleWestern Development Commission – The Wood Energy Strategy for the Western RegionCase Study RegionWest of IrelandGeographical coverage Roscommon, Mayo and Galway – rest of counties in Connacht.TypeAdvice service; project; policyMain activity / focus The Western Development Commission established the Regional Wood Energy Advisory Group in 2006.  Their central activity is to facilitate the acceleration […]

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PrimorskaTechnology Park

Name / TitlePrimorskaTechnology ParkCase Study RegionGoriška region, SloveniaGeographical coverage Primorska region (NUTS 3 regions: Goriška, Littoral, Notranjska); altogether 25 municipalities)TypeBusiness; funding scheme; advice serviceMain activity / focusIncubator for inventive and prosperous enterprises.Target beneficiaries / marketInnovative entrepreneurs in cross-border region (Slovenia-Italy).Year establishedThe firm was founded in 1999, new building opening in 2005.Current Funding source(s)Slovene Enterprise Fund,Public […]

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