Energie Agentur Neiße

Name / TitleEnergie Agentur Neiße(Energy Agency Neiße)Case Study RegionDresden region (Direktionsbezirk Dresden), Upper Lusatia and Lower Silesia (Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien) Geographical coverage The Energie Agentur Neiße (Energy Agency Neiße) is located in facilities of the Internationales Begegnungszentrum St. Marienthal (IBZ) (international meeting centre monastery St. Marienthal) in Ostritz-Marienthal, which is in the south of Görlitz directly at the […]

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Clusterinitiative Forst & Holz Oberlausitz (CFH)

Name / TitleClusterinitiative Forst & Holz Oberlausitz (CFH)(Initiative Forestry & Timber Cluster in Upper Lusatia)Case Study RegionDresden region (Direktionsbezirk Dresden), Upper Lusatia and Lower Silesia (Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien) Geographical coverage The model region of the Clusterinitiative Forst & Holz Oberlausitz (CFH) includes the districts Bautzen and Görlitz. A share of 34.5percent of the total area of both districts […]

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Oberlausitz – neue Heimat e. V. (OL-NH)

Name / TitleOberlausitz – neue Heimat e. V. (OL-NH)Case Study RegionDirektionsbezirk Dresden, GermanyGeographical coverageLocation: rural town of LöbauGeographical coverage: Southern area of County of GörlitzTypeVoluntary group; policy Main activity / focus – cultural association of Russian resettlers in Löbau and the surrounding villages: cultural activities, gatherings of resettlers and Germans, cultural events– until 2009 editing of a […]

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Lokaler Aktionsplan für Vielfalt, Demokratie und Toleranz

Name / TitleLokaler Aktionsplan für Vielfalt, Demokratie und Toleranz (LAP), Landkreis BautzenCase Study RegionDirektionsbezirk Dresden, GermanyGeographical coverage County of BautzenTypeVoluntary group; funding scheme; training scheme; projectMain activity / focus – distribution of national funds for social work– networking of social initiatives within the region– identification of good practices– experimentation with new models for the distribution of […]

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Internationales Begegnungszentrum St. Marienthal (IBZ)

Name / TitleInternationales Begegnungszentrum St. Marienthal (IBZ)(Foundation of regional Cistercian Abbey)Case Study RegionDirektionsbezirk Dresden, GermanyGeographical coverage Location: rural town of OstritzGeographical coverage: border triangle Germany, Czech Republic and Poland / EU / worldwideTypeBusiness, voluntary group, training scheme Main activity / focus – guest house / convention centre (19,000 overnight stays/a)– work shops / festivals / cultural events– […]

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LAG Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau e.V.

Name / TitleLAG Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau e.V.(Local Action Group (LAG) Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve Association)Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage BliesgauTypeRegistered AssociationMain activity / focus  promotion of a sustainable regional development in the Bliesgau areapreparation and realization of the LEADER development strategyprotection, maintenance and development of life-sustaining natural resourcesconsolidation of the cultural identity as well as safeguarding of the […]

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Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit

Name / TitleMut zur Nachhaltigkeit (English: Courage to Sustainability) Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage GermanyTypeInitiative Main activity / focus The concept ‘Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit’ consists of three parts:Series of books focusing on the future of earth:Well-known scientists researched 13 topics about the earth’s future and presented it generally intelligible as well as giving courses of action for responsible […]

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Lebensadern Wege

Name / TitleLebensadern Wege (English: Lifeline Paths) Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage Biosphere Reserve BliesgauTypeProject Main activity / focus The project’s objectives are outlined by the short formula:  ‘creating the appearance of ways with local shell limestone – re-animate rotations on the basis of a regional material production – preserving valuable historically marked paths (with a scallop) in […]

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Bliesgau Öl- und Senfmühle GbR

Name / TitleBliesgau Öl- und Senfmühle GbR(English: Bliesgau Oil and Mustard Mill)Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage BliesgauTypeBusiness; partnershipMain activity / focusThe Bliesgau Ölmühle GbR is focusing on the production of oil and mustard from regional plantsTarget beneficiaries / marketThe local population.Year establishedDedication in August 2008Current Funding source(s)The project is financed by funds of the Federal […]

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