Clusterinitiative Forst & Holz Oberlausitz (CFH)

| Clusterinitiative Forst & Holz Oberlausitz (CFH) |
Case Study Region | Dresden region (Direktionsbezirk Dresden), Upper Lusatia and Lower Silesia (Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien) |
| The model region of the Clusterinitiative Forst & Holz Oberlausitz (CFH) includes the districts Bautzen and Görlitz. A share of 34.5 |
Type | Cooperative research project between regional institutions and companies |
Main activity / focus
| CFH is organised as a cooperative research project between regional institutions and companies. It aims at strengthening the position of the economic branches dealing with forestry, wood processing, and renewable energy production within the Direktionsbezirk Dresden (in particular the two districts Bautzen and Görlitz). The cluster initiative will integrate the involved economic actors and political decision-makers and discover the potential for regional economic cycles within the involved economic branches. |
Target beneficiaries / market | Forest owners, research institutions, local/regional enterprises from forestry sector, construction sector and timber industries such as saw mills, paper mills or furniture manufacturers. |
Year established | Activities of the cluster initiative have been financed since June 1st, 2008. |
Current Funding source(s) | Ministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft (SMUL) |
| The project consortium consists of the following partners:
Website |; |
| On behalf of the Saxon State Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture a network/cluster regarding forestry and timber industry was initiated in Upper Lusatia. In this way, the development of an important rural economic sector should be supported and strengthened. Already today the sector ‘Forestry&Timber’ is important in Saxony:
In summer of 2008 a project team – managed by the Ostdeutsche Gesellschaft für Forstplanung (OGF) (Association for Forestry Planning) and TSS Forestry Consultancy – was established. Main aim of the initiative is the integration of regional companies into a network that initiates co-operations and develops projects. By doing this, synergies can be achieved and generated to improve the competitiveness and productivity of all companies within the network. Envisaged activities are:
The main activities of the cluster initiative concern the intensification of network relations in the economic branches of forestry, wood processing and renewable energy production. At the beginning, the initiative started to analyse the actual components and flows of goods of the wood industry cluster within the region, also applying a SWOT analysis of the different economic branches which are to be involved. One result was that the individual economic actors did not know about each others presence and activities in the region. Though, a set of public relation activities was started in order to distribute knowledge internally within the wood industry cluster. Based on the regional SWOT analysis, the CFH developed concepts for five potential regional economic cycles:
These clusters should be moderated and the internal networking should be supported by the CFH, according to examples from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. In addition, the initiative is reporting its gathered knowledge in handbooks to make it transferable to other regions. Also a formal cluster management will be established. As a concrete measure a series of weekend seminars is planned in order to inform forest owners about the possibilities of their forests’ economic exploitation. These seminars address first of all the many private forest owners who only possess small areas. |
Contact details
| Clusterinitiative Forst & Holz Sachsen |