Communal Living as a Global Alternative Movement
Historically, people or groups of people dissatisfied with their lifestyles and their present conditions have gathered in search of alternatives ways of living, thus communal living has become that global social mechanism that has promoted this societal change over time and place and into a global network challenging contemporary globalisation consequences.
Expressions of Globalization
Festivals have been important cultural practices throughout history across the globe. In the last 20-30 years the number of festivals held has rapidly increased. Some see the ‘festivalization’ of culture as a characteristic, or response to wider globalization trends
Chinese Farmers in Late Colonial Cairns, Queensland, 1880-1920
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, colonial settlement in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand attracted migrants who lived and worked in multi-ethnic societies that resonates with today’s multi-cultural countryside. One such region was Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Being Global
Globalization describes different processes and changes in how the world works. It is often seen as the integration of businesses, markets, economies, culture, people and politics across the world.
How GIS Can Benefit Research Projects
This summarizes how GIS is used in social sciences research in a case of the Global-Rural project which examines globalization & rural. From design to data collection, management, analysis, mapping, visualization, storytelling & public engagement.
Migration in Mid-Wales
In this story map we look at recent migration patterns into Newtown and connect the trends and experiences we observe here with wider national and international processes and events. We look at how this shaped the development and building of Newtown.
Soft Drinks Stories: Tracing Fanta to Newtown, Wales
How exactly does globalisation work? How is it that we can buy a branded soft drink like Fanta in Newtown, Wales, just as easily as we can over the other side of the world ? A product, which is “worse than useless”, on account of it being the root of .............
From Yosemite to Antarctica via Burundi
Rural areas have been integrated into multinational networks of trade; bringing benefits through access to international markets, but dependency on global firms has also made rural economies more vulnerable to distant economic events in this era of Globalization.
The Making and Remaking of a Cane Countryside
Australia's internal highly regulated quota, single desk sugar industry became unhelpful to the inconstancy of global changes and Nambour is an interesting example of how these restructuring sifted through the Australian system to make and remake a rural cane sugar town.