Lebensadern Wege

Name / TitleLebensadern Wege (English: Lifeline Paths) Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage Biosphere Reserve BliesgauTypeProject Main activity / focus The project’s objectives are outlined by the short formula:  ‘creating the appearance of ways with local shell limestone – re-animate rotations on the basis of a regional material production – preserving valuable historically marked paths (with a scallop) in […]

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Biosphärenzweckverband Bliesgau

Name / TitleBiosphärenzweckverband Bliesgau(English: Biosphere Administrative Body Bliesgau)Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau:six communities of the Saarpfalz district belong to the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau (Gersheim, Mandelbachtal, Blieskastel, St. Ingbert, Kierkel and Homburg (in part)) as well as the community of Kleinblittersdorf of the regional district Saarbrücken.TypeAdministrative body (Zweckverband) Main activity / focus The biosphere administrative […]

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Biosphere Bliesgau Association

Name / TitleBiosphärenverein Bliesgau e. V. (English: Biosphere Bliesgau Association) Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverageBiosphere Reserve Bliesgau:six communities of the Saarpfalz district belong to the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau (Gersheim, Mandelbachtal, Blieskastel, St. Ingbert, Kierkel and Homburg (in part)) as well as the community of Kleinblittersdorf of the regional district Saarbrücken.TypeRegistered Association Main activity / focus The functions of […]

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Brug Toekomst

 Name / Title“Brug Toekomst”Case Study RegionWesterkwartier (NL)Geographical coverage Westerkwartier, part of the province of GroningenTypeProject; partnershipMain activity / focus Answer regional research questions through establishing link between education and regional development initiatives.  Target beneficiaries / market Publically funded “green” knowledge institutes (Wageningen University and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science), the national forest management agency (Staatsbosbeheer), nature […]

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