Woolly Networks – From Sheep to Shop
With the diversity of UK sheep industry, having approximately 45,000 registered wool producers, 22.9 million sheep producing about 68,000 tonnes of wool types yearly that goes through the BWB, it is impossible to trace the provenance of British wool back to the individual farm.
Diversity in an Irish Small Town
In contrast to other Irish small towns, which experienced rapid immigration in the 2000s, Ballyhaunis has grown the last 40 years, with over 40 nationalities and 48% residents born outside Ireland. The residents are proud of their cosmopolitan town, and there is much that other communities can learn.
The Global Sugar Countryside
The production, consumption and trade of sugar have over the years been relatively volatile, influenced mainly by global economic restructuring – trade liberalisation, policy changes, FDI as well as improved agricultural systems, increased ethanol production, incomes and rising domestic demand for sugar.