Name / Title

Welcome Science and Technology
(connecting high-tech industry with tertiary education and innovative milieu)

Case Study Region

Goriška region, Slovenia

Geographical coverage


Ajdovščina, Vipavska Valley, Goriška


Business; project; partnership

Main activity / focus


Cooperation between private high-tech sector, University of Nova Gorica (Polytechnics) and Municipality of Ajdovščina for biotechnology incubator set-up.


Target beneficiaries / market


– Biotechnology firms
– Tertiary education
– Young people (0-30 high-tech working places)
– Researchers

Year established


2009-June 2011 (expected re-settlement of BIA Separations firm from Ljubljana to Ajdovščina)

Current Funding source(s)

European Investment Bank (8 million €)
Exemption from communal taxes (co-financed by municipality)


– BIA Separations (Internationally recognized biotechnological firm),
– University of Nova Gorica (Polytechnics),
– Municipality of Ajdovščina





High-tech enterprise BIA Separations (production of intelligent filters) decided to re-settle from business-technological park in Ljubljana to Ajdovščina due to “creative, warm and understanding business environment”. In February 2009 they started to build their new centre of 3000 m2: there will be place for research, manufacturing, business surfaces and biotechnological incubator of the University of Nova Gorica. One of the main objectives is a joint creation of new study programme in biotechnology.

In March 2009 the firm gained the loan from the European Investment Bank (8 million €) as the first small to mid size company that received a loan under the Risk Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF) scheme, The RSSF scheme is a joint venture between the European Commission and European Investment Bank intended to improve access to debt financing for private companies. The signing of the loan agreement will allow BIA Separations (a manufacturer of innovative chromatographic media for the biopharmaceutical industry)to continue its development of new purification technologies which will allow the company to meet the growing demand for its products.

With the new facility, BIA Separations is moving into a high-technology oriented region where it will, in conjunction with University of Nova Gorica, establish a biotech incubator for the region. One of the roles of the incubator will be to establish a Biotechnology program at the University which will create a pool of highly educated personnel for BIA Separations and other companies that will come to the region and ensure that the long-term human resources needs are met.

This could be a good practice example for rural areas with good contacts to the university.


Contact details


Mr. Aleš Štrancar, BIA Separations
Teslova ulica 30, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Telephone: +386-1-426-5649