Name / Title

Vielfalt tut gut. Jugend für Vielfalt, Toleranz und Demokratie. (Diversity is good. Youths for Diversity, Tolerance and Democracy.)

Case Study Region

Saarland, administrative district of Merzig-Wadern

Geographical coverage

Administrative district of Merzig-Wadern


Federal program


Main activity / focus


Right-wing extremism, hostility against foreigners, and anti-Semitism are to be fought sustainably and the educational and pedagogical work in this fiel dis to be strengthened. Especially in the administrative district of Merzig-Wadern, this means to promote democratic behaviour in children and youths and to strengthen sensibility citizens in the conflict with extremism. With the following focal points, the implementation is to be carried out: Information and education measures, public relations and networks.

Target beneficiaries / market

Migrants, locals, adolescents.

Year established

The first funding phase began on 1st January 2007.

Current Funding source(s)

The Federal program ‘Vielfalt tut gut’ receives federal funds nut first of all it will be aided by administrative district Merzig-Wadern.


To the advisory board of the Merzig-Wadern administrative district belong representatives of the youth council Merzig, the Christian Adult Education CEB, thespecialist office for child and youth pastoral, the SOS children’s village Saar, the Caritas for the Saar-Hochwald region e.V., the social welfare organization Saar-Mosel e.V., the association for family support e.V., the AWO prevention and counsellig, the organization for infrastructure and occupation of the administrative district of Merzig-Wadern mbH, the action third world Saar e.V., the youth migration service, the International Bund, the police office Merzig, the secondary modern school Weiskirchen, the CDU and SPD district assembly factions, the administrative district / the distrct youth welfare office (Local coordination point) as well as the county town Merzig and the municipality Losheim am See (neighbourhood management). Furthermore, representatives of the youth club, the head of the ‚voluntary work exchange‘ and a representative of the Federal Office of Migration and Refugees belong to the advisory board.





The program ‚Vielfalt tut gut‘, operating since the 1st January 2007, is a follow-up to the 2006 expired action program of the federal government ‚Jugend für Toleranz und Demokratie – gegen Rechtsextremismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Antisemitismus‘ (Youths for Tolerance and Democracy – contrary to right-wing extremism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism). It is to re-connect to the former’s experiences and results. ‚Vielfalt tut gut‘ was implemented on a continuous basis. The first program phase ended on 31st December 2010. The program contains two focal points:

  • Promotion of local action plans in communal responsibility to strengthen the democracy development on-site
  • Promotion of model projects that pursue innovative approaches to fight right-wing extremism, hostility against foreigners and anti-Semitism

A long-term commitment that exceeds the funding period is to be established in the region. The new funding phase will begin in 2011, during which the funding of ‚Vielfalt tut gut’ and ‚kompetent. für Demokratie’ ist o be continued to the full extend under the umbrella of ‚TOLERANZ FÖRDERN – KOMPETENZ STÄRKEN’ (promote tolerance – strengthen competence).


Contact details


Administrative district Merzig-Wadern
District youth welfare office
Peter Wilhelm
Bahnhofstr. 44
66663 Merzig
Phone: 06861-80165

District youth welfare office
Youth office Perl-Mettlach-Orscholz
Jenny Lauer
Schmiedewäldchen 9a
66693 Mettlach
Phone: 06865 9116932