Mayo Intercultural Action

Name / Title | Mayo Intercultural Action |
Case Study Region | West of Ireland |
Geographical coverage | County Mayo |
Type | Voluntary group; advice service; project |
Main activity / focus
| Mayo Intercultural Action provides support and advocacy for migrants living and working in County Mayo, its gives a voice to asylum seekers who are in hostel accommodation in Mayo under Direct Provision, it helps people who have been granted residency in the County to find opportunities for training, education and employment and it offers a safe and welcoming space where people seeking a new life in Ireland can take part in social activities, meet people in a similar situation and be informed about their rights and entitlements |
Target beneficiaries / market | All migrants living in County Mayo |
Year established | Established in 2004 |
Current Funding source(s) | MIA is a voluntary organisation, initially funded and supported by the Mayo County Development Board and the County Community Forum. The organisation was developed with the support of the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Integration (NCCRI) – (This organisation has recently being disbanded as a result of Government cut backs). In 2006, MIA operated through a Naisc Nua grant, with the help of two FÁS workers and a group of exceptional volunteers. However, they do not have core funding. In 2007, MIA was largely depended on a grant of €115,000, awarded by Pobal (at the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs) and run in association with Meitheal Mhaigheo. In 2010, Mayo Intercultural Action’s has seen its funding entirely cut and is surviving on volunteer effort, fundraising and contributions. |
| Two Community Employment (CE) workers are involved in the work of both MIA and a sub-project of MIA, Naisc Nua. There is one full-time volunteer worker with MIA and she is currently working on a Primary Health Care Project for the organisation. MIA also hosts a number of third-level student placements and depends on the dedication of a large number of volunteers for the successful running of its many activities. |
Website | |
| Mayo Intercultural Action (MIA) was set up in 2004 and is a non-governmental organisation (NGO), managed by a voluntary management committee. Mia aims to promote the positive effects of interculturalism in Irish society. The organisation would like to see an open, just and equal Ireland where human rights and cultural differences are respected and where new Irish communities are afforded equal rights and opportunities. It is an organisation that exists to make newcomers to County Mayo in the West of Ireland feel welcome and to help them resolve any difficulties they may have.
Contact details
Ms Michelle Rooney,