LAG Znorjmo winery.png


Name / Title

Local Action Group Znojmo winery (LAG)

Case Study Region

South Moravian Region (CZ)

Geographical coverage

Location: Znojmo
Coverage: regional


Advice service; partnership; association


Main activity / focus


– Implementing Leader strategic plan “Pulses to improving the quality of rural life”.
– Development of Znojmo region, consulting, community associations, NGOs, entrepreneurs associations.
– Providing grants through the RO SAIF Brno.

LAG LEADER work method:

  • Searches for grants according to needs of its members, processes and helps to prepare LAG projects and members projects.
  • Training of the LAG members
    Performs project selections (with clear evaluation criteria and procedures of the unique selection committee)
    Verifies the acceptability of the applicant, the acceptability of the project, financial health, etc.
    Checking the progress of implementation before, during and after the project realization.
    Approving projects at its own governing body and at the public hearing, there must be determined order and the next steps of implementation during the selection of projects to be implemented.

Target beneficiaries / market

Municipalities, non-profit sector, entrepreneurs, citizens

Year established

Foundation 2005 / main activity since 2008

Current Funding source(s)

Grants, membership fees


Municipalities, non-profit sector, entrepreneurs, citizens





Firstly, arranging funding from the RDP through RO SAIF Brno.
Providing other financial consulting.
Supporting the promotion of our members and outsiders.
Informing people within the region about our activities.
Those are activities of the project managesr – Ing. Schvomová, and Ing. Mrazkova.
Target group:
– Village
– Entrepreneur – farmer
– Nonprofit Sector
– Citizen

As the benefits and success I see the supply of money into poor rural region onto specific needed projects and providing necessary consulting accessible to everyone from the mayors or the businessman from the area of interest.
Money can receive also businessman or municipalities where mayors do not have time to look for information from various subsidies. They approach us and if they are suitable applicants, we are helping them with an application for a grant, corrections of errors in the application form, with reporting changes and the final account. We often hear the phrase: “I could not make it alone”. We are happy to help where it is needed.


Contact details


Ing. Veronika Schvomová
+420 775 975 004

Ing. Lenka Mrazková
+420 774 150 004