Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (CRR)

Name / Title | Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (CRR) |
Case Study Region | South Moravian Region (CZ) |
Geographical coverage | Based in Brno.Regional, national and European geographical coverage |
Type | Advice service; funding scheme; training scheme; government |
Main activity / focus | Consultation, mediation and control of projects within the selected grant programs of the Structural Funds.Promotion of regional policy of the Government. |
Target beneficiaries / market | Potential grant, grant recipients, the broader professional public, local government, business, students and teachers. |
Year established | 1996 |
Current Funding source(s) | Contributory organizations of the Ministry for Regional Development. |
Participants | Entrepreneurs, companies and private individuals, municipalities and organizations owned and controlled, the association of municipalities, nonprofit organizations. |
Website | www.crr.czwww.risy.czhttp://mapy.crr.czwww.een.cz |
Description | The basic objective of all activities of CRD is to help successfully implement projects approved for financing from EU funds, thus ensuring maximum utilization of funds provided by the Czech Republic from EU funds.Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) – European network of comprehensive integrated services to support the development of innovative capacity and competitiveness in the single European market. It focuses on providing advisory services and information for business development, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises:
Currently EEN network comprises nearly 600 organizations which works to 4000 professionals from more than 40 countries. It covers not only all European Union member states and candidate countries, but also other countries such as Russia, Switzerland, Egypt, Israel and Norway. The aim of the network is to provide businesses with comprehensive services in one place. In the Czech Republic, this network is supported by the European Union in the EU Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation and Ministry of Industry and Trade. Activities of the Czech part of the Enterprise Europe Network is implemented by a consortium of eleven partners coordinated by the Technology Centre AS CR. Regional distribution of all consortium partners and close cooperation with other institutions in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation ensures optimal availability of quality services and information for Czech businesses. Czech part of the Enterprise Europe Network consists of three modules. The network is supported by the European Union in the EU Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation and Ministry of Industry and Trade. |