Name / Title

Alytus Russian Culture Association “Malachit“

Case Study Region

Alytus county, Lithuania

Geographical coverage

Alytus city and county, cooperation with other interested public organizations in other regions of Lithuania and abroad


NGO (voluntary group); Association


Main activity / focus


The aim of the association is to involve various public organizations and people in Alytus and other Lithuanian towns into joint cultural and educational activities, despite their nationality, religion and political orientation, to propagate Russian and other national traditions, culture and art. 

Target beneficiaries / market

Children, youth and adults, partial to Russian culture

Year established



Current Funding source(s)

Association‘s activities are supported by Alytus city municipality. Since there are no new members, Alytus Russian Culture Association “Malachit“ cooperates and prepares various cultural projects with other Russian organizations in smaller Lithuanian towns. It became especially important after liquidation of Department for National Minorities and Emigration by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, which provided support before. Association searches for public and private sponsors to support it’s activities, they are constantly changing. Association has a membership fee. Members also contribute with own efforts and creativity.


appox 25 members


Not applicable




This association was established because this type of organization has more free hands and possibilities for their activities being not budget organization. It complements the activities of Russian Saturday School. Alytus Russian Culture Association “Malachit“ has a chairperson, accountant and general member meeting.

Alytus Russian Culture Association “Malachit“:

1. Prepares joint projects with other russian or different national minority organizations, arranges external support for it’s activities.

2. Celebrates Russian festivals, mentions memorable dates, prepares Russian writers’ performances, readings, organizes multicultural events.

3. Participates in other cultural events held in Lithuania.

Association chaiperson Nadiežda Krakovskaja was given silver order of Merit for her devotion to propagate Russian language and culture byDepartment for National Minorities and Emigration by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.


Contact details


Alytus Russian Culture Association “Malachit“
Chairperson, Nadiežda Krakovskaja
Phone: 8-315-52454; 8-652-50 271
S. Dariaus and S.Girėno street 1-17, Alytus, LT-62137